Acclimating your pet to new surroundings doesn’t have to be stressful.
By Cheryl Rahal, D.V.M.
(With sidenotes from Toby the clinic kitty)
Moving into a new home can be stressful, and when our pet parents get anxious and stressed, so do we.

Hi, I’m Toby the clinic kitty at The Pet Wellness Center, where I see lots of four-legged friends and their owners on a daily basis.
I’m hearing that many new people are moving into our area and I thought I could offer a few tips on what your pets need as they acclimate to their new surroundings. My most important piece of advice: Keep calm and hug your pets.
The most important thing we need to know is our territory and the essentials so we can settle into our new routine. Things like, where am I allowed to go? Where can I go potty? Where is it safe to sleep? Where’s my food? Oh my, the food! So important because I used to live on the street, and knowing where my next meal is coming from is very important to me.
To help us find our Zen, put us in our own quiet room, with the essentials (food, litterbox, a comfy familiar bed, water, and food). Don’t forget the food. As the days in the new home become comfortable, just let us come out when we’re ready. Don’t worry,
we’ll find you.
Show Me My New Digs
For my canine friends, here’s what the doctors at Pet Wellness Center suggest:
Designate a safe spot.
Set up a kennel or bed ahead of time with a few favorite toys, and a familiar food and water bowl. This spot should be someplace quiet like a laundry room or bedroom. If possible, wait to bring your pet to the new house until most things familiar are unpacked, otherwise it’s just confusing. Wait until things normalize to get a new bed for the new home.
Leash up and head outside.
To help with the outdoor-territory boundaries, escort your dog around the first time with a leash and show them the boundaries, keeping calm even when they freak out from all the new smells.
Reward Often.
Show your pet where their belongings are and offer lots of praise and treats.
When in doubt, call your vet.
If your pet struggles with stress and anxiety, there’s pheromone therapy. These natural calming products, Feliway for cats or Adaptil for dogs come in a travel spray for a blanket or a diffuser to fill the whole room. Finally, there’s anti-anxiety meds. If your pet is very anxious with change, you can talk to your vet about some medications to help them get through the first few weeks of settling in. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Dr. Cheryl Rahal is a doctor of veterinary medicine at The Pet Wellness Center in North Phoenix. Her sidekick, Toby, spends his days alongside her at the clinic.