The City of Phoenix is scrapping its quarterly bulk trash collection program with assigned dates to specific zones within the city to a new appointment-based collection system.
Beginning on Monday, Sept. 30, customers serviced by the City of Phoenix can make an appointment online or by phone for bulk trash pick-up to their home. Each residence will be allowed to schedule the service up to four times per year, based on their household needs, excluding holiday weeks such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
Justeen Cook, a representative from the city’s public works department provided an overview of the new program at last month’s City of Phoenix North Gateway Village Board meeting. The change comes in an effort to offer residents more convenience, reduce blight in neighborhoods by shortening the allowable curb placement time frame from 15 days to 7 days and reduce trash piles within neighborhoods during major holidays.
Bulk trash consists of materials that are too large and must not be placed in the garbage or recycling container. Materials such as furniture, small appliances, toilets and large amounts of vegetation are often considered bulk trash.
The allowable size of the discarded bulk trash per pickup is also changing from 20 cubic yards to 10 cubic yards, or a 17’L X 4’W X 4’H.
The public works department will also work with neighborhood HOA’s to schedule set community pickup days, if requested, Cook said.
The appointment schedule went live on Aug. 30. To review guidelines and get started with scheduling, visit www.phoenix.gov/publicworks/bulktrash, or call 602-262-6251.
Bulk Trash Dos & Don’ts
• Follow the dates for bulk trash placement
• Sweep or rake area after collection, if necessary
• Securely bag and tie all grass, leaves, weeds, twigs and hedge clippings before placing out for bulk trash
• Cut tree trimmings down to less than 12″ in diameter and 4′ in length
• More than 20 cubic yards per residence which is similar to the size of a SUV
• Loose debris and litter, and any ordinary household trash
• Loose grass, leaves, weeds, twigs and hedge clippings
• Household hazardous waste (HHW), such as antifreeze, pool chemicals, oil, batteries and paint
• Community piles–avoid combining piles from multiple households. Bulk trash crews will only collect debris from one property at a time
• Materials placed in the Bagster bags
• Materials such as bricks, concrete, dirt, rocks, asphalt and roofing shingles/tiles
• Construction or demolition materials in excess of 25 pounds or over four feet long
• Metal or car parts in excess of 20 pounds or over four feet long
• Tires, any shape or size
• Glass such as windows, shower doors, patio doors, mirrors, fluorescent tubes, etc.
• Tree trunks or stumps longer than 4 feet and bigger than 12 inches in diameter
• Large appliances that use refrigerants such as freezers, refrigerators and air conditioners
More Info www.phoenix.gov/publicworks/bulktrash
Source City of Phoenix