Eight candidates are vying for three open seats on the Deer Valley Unified School District Board in the election, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Six newcomers are challenging incumbents Ann Ordway and Kim Fisher.

Steve Bottfeld
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
My background includes being an educator, business owner and marketing research analyst. I have a California lifetime teaching credential and taught at Glendale Community College. Conducting marketing research for clients like Coca Cola and FedEx led me to believe in facts, civility and safety. I also served on the California Attorney General’s task force on consumer affairs and the Las Vegas Mayor’s Real Estate task force. As managing director at Las Vegas Review-Journal, I learned the value of collaboration, which is vital for school boards. My goals are: To support DVUSD by providing extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner. To attract and retain teachers and staff with support and respect. To support every aspect of student safety. And to use facts to improve areas that require solutions. A good education is critical to living a good life. Crucial to student success is teacher support and livelihood. School boards are not about politics. Their role is to identify and meet the needs of students, teachers, staff and families. The best method of achieving that goal is working together.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
There are five key issues: 1. Pass the bond and override 2. Retaining educators and staff. Teachers and staff must be shown respect and salaries must reflect the importance of their profession. 3. Safety. Gun violence is an epidemic in this country. And, yes, security guards and special door locks will help. But we should also introduce the Be Smart program for common sense gun safety to the district. 4. 19,000 new homes entering the district. We must be prepared to add teachers, classrooms and educational programs to deal with a student population explosion over the next few years! 5. Collaboration. The future of public schools will be determined by students, teachers, staff, parents and the community. We must effectively communicate with each other.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
My statement in favor of the bond will be on the ballot statements. The bond includes safety and security measures, technology for every student, facility maintenance and two new schools to alleviate the crowding created by 19,000 new housing units exploding in the district. The override helps maintain smaller class sizes, full-day kindergarten, 8% of teacher salaries, and ensures support for athletics, fine arts and so much more. Most importantly, it keeps our district moving forward.

Kim Fisher- Incumbent
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I hold a bachelor’s in human resources, a master’s in accounting/finance management, and a specialized teaching cert for K-12 CTE business/marketing. Six of my 30 years in administration/management were school-district related. My belief is the governing board is to represent the community in the district. Kids are the responsibility of the parents and parents should be driving what we are doing in the district. The board should provide oversight of what is brought to your children. We should ensure all parents are informed and involved, not just the parents who agree with administration. We should provide oversight that the policies we adopt are being followed and laws are being followed. We should ensure teachers and staff have what they need to provide a good education. Being willing and able to do the job even when it gets difficult is what makes me the best. When the board forgets they represent the public in the district, the public loses their voice and representation.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
Our district is doing a great job on many things, but we have issues in many areas. How we address them is the biggest issue right now. The result of how we address issues is the loss of enrollment in a hyper-growth environment and an undetermined turnover rate in a supposed top employer. Some parents are no longer willing to work toward improving DVUSD because they feel they are not respected and have no voice. Longtime employees have given up, retired or are moving on because they say they have lost their voice in the district. Anyone not on board with whatever administration wants is automatically a villain in the DVUSD story. We have had community members trespassed or ostracized for speaking up, and even board members have faced the wrath. My hope is that three board members who are willing to work together and stand in the gap are elected. Then the collaborative work that used to be can return. That board can work on reengaging the community as a whole and repair the bridges that have been damaged.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
I wish the district respected the community enough to only seek the override this year and would seek the bond when they are more able to show both good stewardship and genuine need. The community was clear last year that they lost faith in the district’s ability to appropriately manage funds. I don’t believe using the scare tactic of cutting salaries is also the best way to promote approving the override. Our community is smart and they do not need to be bullied into supporting the district. Explain to the community how state equalization funding works and what additional funds are available to the surrounding districts that are not available to us and why. Explain to the community how difficult not having the override will be. Then humbly request the needed support of funding the override and assure our community that no matter what our focus will remain on doing what is best for the kids but it could have an impact in the classroom if we cannot adjust in other areas.

Tiffany Hawkins
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I have over a decade of real world experience with a Top 100 company involving finances and auditing. I was born and raised in Deer Valley and currently raising 3 children here as well, all enrolled in DVUSD. This provides me with a current and direct line of awareness to our elementary and high schools. Throughout my own educational journeys with my children, I have experienced both the gifted programs and the need for reading and math tutoring offered by the district. My direction is clear; audit school safety readiness, resources and training; to progress and maintain focus on increasing academic achievements; teacher retention and hiring; and being as fiscally responsible as possible.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
Two of the main issues I keep coming across are student and campus safety, along with supplies for the classrooms. As I have already begun to investigate areas within the district finances, I have noticed areas where we might utilize unused capital to increase the speed in which we are updating security systems, alarms, and intercoms to insure we have all schools 100% prepared for any emergency. Some of this capital could possibly be used towards increasing each school’s discretionary funds, which provides teachers with classroom supplies. None of which would burden the taxpayers as we already have the resources available, if the Board so chooses.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
At this time, I do not see another option away from approving the M&O override. For a very long time it has been tied to bridging the gap in staff pay, which has been decreased over the years by budget and tax cuts from public education. I fully support the override to ensure our employees are able to provide for their families in this time of great need. I would like to see some initiative from the district in future years to formulate a plan to move the gap pay from the override and more into the standard budget. This would eliminate the stress that every few years an employee’s pay could vanish. The bond however, I disagree on the timing. While the need for capital to expand our district will surely be needed in the future, I do believe we could have delayed till the next election cycle. The voters spoke at the last attempt in Nov. 2023, but the district presented the same proposal with no changes and is expecting a different outcome. A delay, or possibly a decreased amount would have been a more likely scenario. But unfortunately the community is weary with costs so high. I’d hate to see the fate of the bond drag down the override.

Melody Holehan-Kopas
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I retired from DVUSD in 2020 after 35 years in education; 14 years at schools for the Deaf and then 21 years in district schools as a teacher librarian (2019 Arizona School Librarian of the year.) The last 18 years I spent in DVUSD. For six years, I supervised the district Library Clerks, working with 34 of the schools, then I was the district lead librarian for 5 years. I am trilingual in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language. I have been a part-time then full-time Realtor since 2010. My husband and I raised four sons who are DVUSD success stories.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
The growth of TSMC and the surrounding businesses that bring employees looking for housing will be a big issue for the district. Building schools fast enough to prevent overcrowding at existing schools is always an issue, but when we have new homes being built at the pace we do now, it compounds the difficulty. Returning to pre-COVID student achievement levels is also an issue. Students who were affected by the interruption to their education need more time and attention to catch up. Recruiting, training, and retaining great teachers is another issue. DVUSD must be competitive with compensation and benefits.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
The 2024 Override is simply reauthorizing funds that are currently in place to fund programs for students that make our district extraordinary. Full-day kindergarten, support services for special needs students, specialized programs for students who need out of the box educational opportunities. I support these programs. My wish is that the district would have lowered the ask of the bond that did not pass in 2023. However, what they did better this round is delineate each school in the five HS regions and listed the projects that will be funded with bond money. That is accountability I can support.

Ann Ordway- Incumbent
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I firmly believe my 16 year tenure is an important asset. Making decisions collaboratively for 16 years provides me with excellent working relationships amongst the employee groups, community members, business partners and student organizations. I lead by example and believe all that are in the DVUSD are integral to the success of our students..
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
One of the biggest issues would be the false narratives, misleading “facts” and outright attacks on our staff and students. I will continue to stay focused on the reality of our school district. Our staff and students provide and receive exceptional learning experiences. Each day there are thousands of examples of laser focused, impactful learning opportunities. Providing our community with everyday examples of what our students and staff are accomplishing is something that is important. Communicating in various ways how effective and efficient we are with our finite fiscal resources, how we utilize our human resources. We will continue to listen to all stakeholders utilizing their knowledge, observations and experiences to continually improve.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
The need for both has to do with a void in state funding. If the override is not reauthorized, the district would not be able to maintain the current level of programs and services and would have to make reductions. Without bond funding, many major projects that focus on school safety, security, and growth cannot be started, often putting school districts years behind. If both pass, our staff and students will not be negatively affected. We will be able to continue our responsible, conservative financial practices. We prioritize what is closest to the classroom and repair, replace, rebuild and build as necessary. When programs are cut, opportunities for students diminish, which leads to staff losing their jobs. If we believe our children deserve the best we have to offer, if we believe our employees deserve the best, passing both the override and bond is an easy decision.

Karen Pack
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I am a DVUSD alum and parent who has lived in the district for over 50 years. I have been an educator for almost 25 years and hold a doctorate in organizational leadership. I have been involved in our community in many capacities: PTSA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Sunday school, block watch captain, blood drive coordinator, and a lifelong blood donor. I am genuinely a servant leader who cares about kids and the community. Top priorities: Back-to-basics education with rigorous academics. , Smaller class sizes with fully supported teachers. , Responsible use of taxpayer dollars.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
Retaining current families and attracting new families to our district schools, rather than them looking to charter or private schools, is a current concern in our district. I believe we need to inform families about the great qualities and options within our district, such as the Traditional Academy at Bellair with back-to-basics and smaller class sizes; the culinary learning options at Barry Goldwater, the gifted continuum available from pre-K to 8 and beyond, STEM and STEAM campuses, as well as online options for learning via our Aspire Learning Center. There is parental choice in the Deer Valley Unified School District.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
I believe a continuation of an override, which funds M & O salaries, maintains class sizes, full-day kindergarten, specialized student programs, support for extracurricular activities, and a portion of schools and department budgets is needed. Voters may be more willing to pass the override, and/or the bond, if they were separated. I have concerns about a bond for $325,000,000, with a total cost of $452,010,500, to be repaid through a levy on property taxes to fund new construction and furniture, fixtures and equipment, and conservation and energy efficiency projects, among other things. Hopefully students and teachers get needed funding.
Terri Roberts
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I believe I am the best candidate for the job because I spent 34 years working with the students, staff and families of the Deer Valley District. I taught, I coached, I mentored student teachers, I was a department chair, I sponsored clubs. I loved learning the ins and outs of a large high school’s operations. I finished my career with DVUSD as an assistant principal. As an AP I grew in depth of knowledge regarding district safety, policies and operations.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
The biggest issues facing the district are safety and security, staffing, student achievement, and fiscal and curricular responsibility and transparency. Expenses always appear to outweigh resources as our seemingly infinite district boundaries preclude constant growth and challenging decisions. As a board member I will share in the management of these issues. Open communication and strong relationships go a long way in muddling through the challenges a district of our size faces. I will be a representative of the staff, students and taxpayers in all of my input and votes.
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
Capital Bond and M&O overrides have become a fixture in most districts whether caused by growth or age of facilities. I believe all districts and taxpayers should make their voices heard at our State Legislature regarding school funding. Arizona is second to last in school funding, and they have a fiscal surplus. It is time to change the status quo. In the meantime, I believe we need to vote for the bond as the growth rate and the need for new schools is here. As a board member I would re-evaluate large expenditures to enable full day kindergarten and at least inflation balancing raises for staff to reduce the percentage of requested M&O override.

Julie Stockwell
What qualifies you as the best candidate for the school board?
I have been a part of public schools for over 40 years as a teacher, an administrator, an organizational evaluator, and a parent. I have taught multiple classes and multiple grade levels at Greenway High School in Phoenix, coached sports, sponsored lots of student clubs, and worked on or led multiple school, district, and state education committees. These experiences have consistently shown me the incredible value of everything a public school brings to its communities as well as the importance of working collaboratively to solve difficult problems.
What are the biggest issues facing the district? How will you address them?
Deer Valley is a huge district, and such a large population automatically brings a tremendous diversity in the needs of its students, staff and communities. Finding ways to address all of those needs reasonably and with equity requires leaders to assess and prioritize needs and build consensus around the most reasonable means to meet them. None of this happens without adequate funding, and the state of Arizona must change how poorly our public schools are funded
What about the Capital Bond and M&O Override?
I fully endorse both the bond and the override ballot issues. They are critical to maintaining the excellent quality of education Deer Valley provides while also updating our older schools’ infrastructure, providing critical technology to students, and allowing the district to plan for the explosive growth in our northern communities. These two ballot issues will not increase our property taxes.
Compiled By Valley Vibe Staff Writers
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